Judith's Story

Judith with some of the Portico Singers - front right.

Judith with some of the Portico Singers - front right.

“I had taken early retirement, done the usual things, started a book club, worked in a charity shop, got an allotment,  when a good friend told me about her choir.  As a girl I had loved dance and performing, but never had the courage or belief in myself to pursue either.

Portico Singers has, with the training, patience and encouragement from Abigail,  seen me progress from a croaky voiced would-be singer, hesitant and unsure to someone who now joins in fully with all our sessions and events, thoroughly enjoying the liberating sensation of singing!  My fellow choir members are ALL supportive, enthusiastic and encouraging.  We have good fun, lots of giggles and not a Diva amongst us.

As I suffer from a chronic painful condition, I have found the joy of singing to be a wonderful therapy. Just letting go and hitting those notes, (some less accurate than others!) gives me a feeling of sheer enjoyment. The technical side of singing, too, is beneficial. Breathing, posture and gaining confidence.  I love my singing and my choir. Thank you Portico Singers!”